Want to run faster, at a consistent pace or just look like a gazelle as you run the streets of Kansas City? Intervals start next Tuesday March 4th, Shawnee Mission East High School track, 75th and Mission Rd. Park behind the school off of 75th St. These sessions start the first Tues in March and continue each Tues until the end of October. Warmup at 5:30pm. Session with the coach, Michael Franke, starts at 6pm. Water and Gatorade available at each session but bring your own bottle to fill. This program is FREE to KCTC members. To become a KCTC member simply click on the “Become A Member” link in the right side bar of this website. You do not need to attend every session but of course your performance will improve steadily if you do. This program is open to runners of all levels. It is helpful if you are running 30 miles per week but if you are not, show up anyway and we will help you get there! Have questions? kctcintervals@gmail.com