Featured Runner – Dave Borchardt
The KCTC Lee’s Summit Running Group is pleased to highlight Dave Borchardt as our featured runner for December 2016. Dave is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet and is quite a runner! You can tune in to Sports Radio 810 WHB, where you can listen to him as a post-game soccer analyst for Sporting KC. Dave recently garnered his dream job as the KC Sports Commission’s Director of Events, utilizing his remarkable radio talent and love of running! As part of his job, Dave is also the Race Director for the Kansas City Marathon. We are thrilled Dave is part of KCTC Lee’s Summit Running family!
Hobbies/Favorite Team: I am a huge sports fan and love the Royals, Chiefs, Sporting KC and Mizzou. Other than running, my other hobby is broadcasting. I began my career working with Sports Radio 810 here in Kansas City, and I am still involved with the station, hosting the Sporting KC post game radio show on 810.
Tell us a little something about your running journey: I played high school tennis, and used to hate running. I could barely complete the one-mile conditioning test. I started running a little bit in college just to stay fit, and the more I ran, the more I liked it. Back in those days I ran 10-15 miles per week. I became serious about running in 2013 when I decided to run the Scout Strong Challenge, my first half marathon. I finished in 1:50 and could barely walk afterwards, but a couple of days after that race I decided I should try to run a full marathon, even though this was never something I had envisioned accomplishing. It was during the preparation for the marathon when I discovered the KCTC Lee’s Summing Running Group. I trained with the group while preparing for the 2013 Kansas City Marathon, and I have continued with them ever sense.
How many races have you completed and any running goals: I have completed six full marathons, 10 half marathons and also began serving as a pacer this year, which I have really enjoyed. My long term running goal is to qualify for the Boston Marathon, but my short-term goals are to continue enjoying running, spending great time with my running buddies and staying injury free.
Your favorite thing about KCTC Lee’s Summit Group: My favorite thing about the Lee’s Summit Running Group is the friendships I have made. Some of my best friends in the world are people from this group. It seems like no matter what I end up doing – going to a Sporting KC game, watching the Super Bowl, or celebrating on New Year’s Eve, I usually find myself hanging out with one or more of my friends from the running group. The group is full of great people, and I am proud to call them my friends.