Race KC Series
Race KC Series is modeled after the MARA Grand Prix. Runners receive points based on their age group placement. Distances range from 5k to half marathon and are USATF certified. Points are based on the following scale:
- 10 points for 1st place
- 8 points for 2nd place
- 6 points for 3rd place
- 4 points for 4th place
- 2 points for 5th place
KCTC volunteer opportunities will earn participants 5 points, with a max of 3 volunteer events going towards your final score. Volunteers must be signed up appropriately and checked in with the volunteer coordinator to earn points. Only Westport St. Patrick’s Day Run, Cliff Hanger, Brew to Brew, and both KCTC Water Stations at Hospital Hill and KC Marathon will qualify as volunteer events.
The series is open to all KCTC members. This fee is due by November 1, of the current race year to be eligible for recognition and awards at the year end banquet.
2018 Race KC Series Participating Races
Feb 10 | Sweetheart Shuffle | 5k | Register Now |
March 10 | Westport St. Patrick’s Day Run | 4 Miles | Register Now |
April 21 | Garmin Marathon | Half Marathon | Register Now |
April 29 | CCVI Trolley Run | 4 Miles | Register Now |
May 5 | Kansas Heart and Sole Classic | 10k | Register Now |
May 13 | Mother’s Day Run | 5k | |
June 2 | Hospital Hill | Half Marathon | Register Now |
June 23 | Scout Strong | 10k | Register Now |
July 4 | Ward Parkway Four on the Fourth | 4 Miles | Register Now |
TBA | Helen Gold | 5k | |
Sept 22 | Kansas City Zoo Run | 4 Miles | Register Now |
TBA | Cliff Hanger | 5k | |
Oct 20 | Kansas City Marathon | Half Marathon | Register Now |
Oct 28 | Halloween Hustle(Spooky Sprint) | 10k | |
Nov 11 | Gobbler Grind | 5k | Register Now |
Nov 22 | Ward Parkway Thanksgiving Day Run | 5k | |
TBA | Santa Dash | 5k |
Westport St. Patrick’s Day Run and Cliff Hanger age group placements are worth DOUBLE POINTS!
If you have any questions, please email kctcrunner@gmail.com
2017 Race KC Series Final Results **As of 12/5/17
2016 Race KC Series Final Results **As of 10/15/16