Your dog has always been there giving you support on those long runs, now you can help out some of his fellow canines. The July 30th, Wednesday Night Run is a supply fundraiser for a local rescue and care group called Chain of Hope KC. They are a local 501 c3 organization dedicated to the rescue, care, and placement of neglected and abused animals in Kansas City. They spay, neuter, cover veterinarian care, and educate pet owners to avoid future pet distress. For more information on their mission you can go to
While tradition for the KCTC’s Wednesday Night Run is for everyone to bring a side dish, we ask that you not bring one this time. One of our generous board members, Jennifer Ristau is providing the meal tonight. Instead we ask that you bring an item for Chain of Hope KC. Some of their needs are; pig ears (Costco has a large bag for a great price), cat food, and tie outs (thick please, not thin, $8 at Big Lots). For a complete list of needs, please visit the website above.
This event will be held at the Kansas City Track Club’s Clubhouse located next to the Trolley Trail at 208 W. 79th street. Chain of Hope KC will be joining us with some special guests for this event. They will have a few of the dogs that they have rescued and are looking for forever homes. If you have any questions or can’t make it, but have items to donate please contact Mel Baldridge at 816-721-2827 or email