Having completed the Ward Parkway Four on the Fourth Run/Walk yesterday, the KCTC Summer Racing Series is flying by faster than Lou Joline’s minivan! We are nearly halfway through the Series and a dozen people are lined up to load up on tons of free prizes –just for participating! Check out the standings here. With five events remaining, it’s not too late to sign up! The next race in the Series is the critically-acclaimed Psycho Psummer Trail Run on July 14, followed closely by Jingle in July the very next day. The Series is FREE, people! All you have to do is run, walk, or volunteer in 3 of the 9 races and e-mail rdts.cameron.aly@kc.rr.com to let him know what events you participated in. Then we mail you awesome prizes such as running gear, race entries, and more! If you’ve already participated in some of the events but haven’t signed up, we will still count those races towards the three race minimum. Easy. Simple. Painless.