Running is such an adventure in the Kansas City and surrounding area.  Just think of the running gear we accumulate compared to that of a runner living in an area without such drastic weather changes.   Our socks vary from ClimaCool to SmartWool.  We have a jacket for every weather change; wind, rain, ice, snow, temperatures that drop to zero and below.  Hats and ear warmers to keep the heat in and the sweat out, or headbands and cooling rags to keep the sweat in and the body cool.  All of this in an effort to keep ourselves running year round.

Regardless of the season, the most important part of your running gear is YOU!   For many reasons, one of the highest recommended safety precautions you can take is running with a buddy or a group of people.  Not only is it safer – it’s a lot of fun!   We want to encourage you to join one of our weekly running groups.  We have social groups, intervals, beginners, fast runners, slow runners, and even run/walkers.  Check it out at under the “Group Runs/Classes” tab.

If you prefer running alone, or have no other choice, please make sure it is in a safe, well-lit, populated area and wear a RoadID or a KC Track Club shoe tag.