by Nancy English | Jun 26, 2015 | Events, Uncategorized
Half Marathon Training plan for June 21 to Oct 17. For a printable version half marathon training plan 2015
by Nancy English | Jun 29, 2014 | Events, Wednesday Night Run, wnr
Last year we had a blast at Paige’s home. Thanks to Paige, we get to repeat that. Runner friendly neighborhood and party friendly backyard – wonderful! 520 E. 57th Street, KC, MO, 64110. Corner of Cherry & 57th. MAP...
by Nancy English | Jun 14, 2014 | Events, Wednesday Night Run, wnr
We will meet at the KC Bier Co, which is across the street to the west from the KCTC Club House. We can run along the trolley trail and then chow on our own food and treat ourselves to some German Beer. Bring your usual side dish or dessert tonight. Map 310 W 79th...
by Nancy English | Apr 24, 2012 | Events
This past weekend the track club was asked to help teach running safety at the Independence Safety Event. Ambassador Courtney Foster attended the event and spoke with participants on running safety and handed out free shoe tags. Did you know the track club will come...